Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oprah and Sex...

Titillating title, eh?
But seriously.
O has had a coupla shows on lately regarding sex, 'the talk', 'sexting',the 'M' word---('your daughters should learn to pleasure themselves...')
I have a 14 yr. old and a 4 yr.old daughter...and an 11 year old son.
It was hard enough when I got pregnant with the 4 yr.old to 'explain', as the then 10 yr. old asked,'How did the baby get in there?'...she was so grossed out, and I was kinda embarrassed....but we got through it. I did not use technical terms...I talked about his 'deal', mommas 'chacha'...eggs, those things called sperm...and 'we LOVE each other and THAT is the ONLY reason to connect the deal and the chacha!'...
I know! I totally blew it...but, now I am faced with a gorgeous 14 yr old being pursued by boys...and she is going to High School next year with boys who are 4 years older...and wiser.
I hope she will make smart choices...and I guess the only thing I can do is maintain an open, non-judgemental, communication hub for her. I think I am more scared than she is...but all it takes is for me to hear about 'The Blow Job Club'...and run screaming from the room!
When I was 14, I was a total brace-faced nerd! All we wanted to do was skateboard, surf...and MAYBE play ghost in the graveyard at night at a they have cell phones (with cameras), texting, sexting, and all that!
'If ya like it then ya better put a ring on it'....
Would it be illegal if I crushed up birth control pills in her cereal each morning? Better yet, as soon as I know she has a 'BF' I am giving her those Pills so 'her skin will be clear.'
I am so not ready for this! But I shall remain cool...and calm! (HA.)


  1. Ugh. Please do not make me think about this. I am SO not ready.

  2. neither am I...however, time and tide wait for no man...or girl...or mom.


So...what do you think?