Tuesday, May 25, 2010

'I got mine...go get your own...LOSER!'

I am tired of the attitude...the 'holier than thou' raised eyebrows...the nonexistent compassion for those who really need help with health care costs.
These people who are fortunate enough to HAVE affordable health insurance looking down their noses at those of us who don't...through no fault of our own.
We are all uninsured ticking time bombs walking around...having been laid off a good paying job that had benefits...praying to God we don't get something terminal, break a limb, or get hurt in an accident.

'everyone can get health care! Those people who want reform want a handout from the government...tsk. tsk....' the suburban housewife says on her way to play tennis with her gal pals, and eat chicken salad by the pool afterwards.
'those people just want socialized medicine---that ain't American...' says the redneck in his American flag shirt, chewin his Skoal, leanin against is uber truck---'ain't she purrty?'
'ohhhh...you don't have insurance?' says the perky receptionist with a pseudo caring look,'I'll be right back...' As she disappears behind door # 1...reappearing from door #2...hands me my medicaid card between two of her really nicely manicured fake nails...says 'we don't take Medicaid patients.'
(ok...that was all very stereotypical...and I know I will tick somebody off...however, I fall in to their stereotype of 'losers who want to mooch off the system'.)

My point: My child is SICK!
I just want help for her---right NOW!

(and for the record: No...I do NOT want a handout...and I believe in doing my part, paying my fair share...and helping others whenever I can.)

Yesterday I called the 'caregiver' listed on Mia's medicaid card...
Turns out they won't see her because 'her files were transferred to another practice, so, she would be considered a new patient'...
(she has been seeing them since she was born, and I had to transfer her when my H got laid off because they would not see her without insurance.)
I called the place her records were transferred to...got her an appointment today. (yay!)
We arrive on time...my baby is feverish, coughing and obviously not feeling well.
I go and check in...
'ummm....we can't take this Medicaid card because we are not listed as the primary practice...'
I ask how long it takes to get the switch done---a phone call? Fax? 15 minutes?
'...Thirty days...'
Oh my GOD! I could start out on foot---WALK there, carrying my sick child--- and get it done faster than that!
They suggested I go to an Urgent Care place 'because their out of pocket expense will be less...'
I pack sick child back in to car...drive across town to Urgent Care place...
I presented the Medicaid card, checked in---again---and we go sit and wait...for an HOUR.
We finally get back to see the Doc...and wait another 30 minutes....
Doc spends 5 minutes with her...writes a script for antibiotics---(well, DUH! No surprise.)
We wait some MORE for the paperwork to process...and I get the bill...
'ok...you owe $317 for todays visit...'
I rarely 'go off'...but I did...stealing myself not to pass out...while sick baby is whithering some more...
Long rant short: I paid $20 and told them to bill me the rest....and I got all the names and numbers of anyone and everyone I could call, email, etc...fighting back tears of total frustration.
At this point, we had been at this for 3 hours...and sick baby was getting worse.
I got her meds...carrying her the whole time through the pharmacy...finally arrive home where my little girl literally passed out on the sofa...I barely managed to get the meds in her before she was asleep like a log.
I go in to 'squeaky wheel mode'...
As I am preparing myself for an afternoon of phone calls and being put on hold...my phone rings.
It's the office manager at the Urgent Care...sheepishly apologizing...it was a 'clerical' error.
Turns out, since they knew I had Medicaid for my daughter, they could not charge me anymore than what Medicaid would be...
There went 3 hours of my life I will never get back...
However,the better news is my little girl is resting...and I may just go take a nap myself. I am pooped!

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