Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Luna Moth

Last night my family and I had the absolute thrill of seeing a Luna Moth.
I say 'thrill' because I can only recall seeing one three times in my life.
The first time I was at Camp Alleghany, about age was on the side of the tennis shed.
The second time, it was on our front porch light fixture. I remember getting my kids, then about 5 and 3 to come out and see it...I was 34.
Last night was the third sighting...
I made my husband, son and daughter come and see.
The Luna Moth is one of the most beautiful creations I have ever seen. It has a fluffy white body, and it's antennae look like small ferns. The wings are very large, and delicate...with 'eyes' on them....and the color of the Luna is the most magical green.
A friend told me this morning, that in some cultures, it is considered a 'good omen' to see one...I hope that is true!
According to my personal time span between sightings, I should be in my 50's the next time I am lucky enough to see one.
I wonder what I will be doing then?

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So...what do you think?